Wednesday, September 27, 2006
us and the flight crew
1st thai meal

made friends with the dunkin donuts lady
had a steamboat dinner
swam every single day there
got buried in the sand..i'm standing!!haha
crawled through a cave to see this pool of water
scenery was great!
4 of us!Ian,Leslie,myself and yvonne
9:53 PM;
Monday, September 25, 2006
Well just got back from krabi last night.It was a super fun trip and i'm sun burned.spent a whole lot of time at the beach.or actually different beaches.the thai people are damn friendly.always smiling and greeting u as u walk by,especially the staff in the resort we stayed at.didnt eat much thai food though.only the 1st day there.the beach closest to where we stayed wasnt that great so we took a boat ride to another beach and swam there.till the evening then we had our meal and after that took a walk around the main street.
2nd day,ate the resort breakfast.not much but the bacon was great.haha.went to swim.again.haha.swam everyday actually.thats y kena sunburn.anyway,had steamboat for dinner and we really ate alot.went with a few friends we made there.was really good!at night just kinda slacked and chit chatted.joke and laugh a hell lot.most of the time at alot of stupid things.
3rd day, took a tour to visit 4 islands.managed to do some snorkling which was really great.the water was damn clear and the fish swam close enough to touch.releked on the islands alot too. came back from the tour with my skin all red and painful.worth it though.had a bbq buffet dinner to celebrate our last night there.costed abt $8.damn power.walked around to look see and buy stuff after that.actually there isnt much to buy there anyways.krabi isnt a shopping hub.more of a lepak place.but seriously nice.
last day ate breakfast out and then wanted to go ride motorcycles but cudnt coz none of us had experience.wasted.didnt feel like leaving the place at all.if only cud stay longer.wud be great.sadly got school today so cant.would post up pics when i receive all of them.
1st day of school was alright i guess.havent realy started much so cant say alot.but good to see evryone again.hope all the other modules arent bad.hope can enjoy..
9:55 PM;
Monday, September 18, 2006
Had a great pass weekend.youth was spent playing table tennis and i found out i dont suck that badly at it.after that was bro's birthday party.had close to 10 pri school kids running around everywhere.think some of them can play soccer better then me.haha.but they're pretty fun group.they got everlasting energy along with my bro as they were running through the house and outside as well.
After that went to 4/3 pit at downtown east.didnt get to stay there for long coz went late with KY so spent about an hour plus there.heard aidil sing some nonsense songs accompanied by the guitar(which always seems to appear whenever we go out).saw a few failure rockets made out of sparklers and masking tape.ate some food and took some pics.the other close fren for other classes were there too
We decided to all head back to bedok in case we missed the last bus home.when reached,abdillah,yas,ky went to sit at a playground to jus chat abt stuff.thanks guys!sat there till almost 130 i think and then headed home.
Sunday after church,went to meet leslie and yvonne to watch azli's was pretty good and the other band were good as well.especially the this 1 band all the vocalists were screaming like some video from slipknot.didnt understand wad they were singing about.
went cycling at east coast after that in the evening with the family.ate seafood as part of bro's birthday i guess.
going to krabi in a few days.looking forward to it.cant wait.shud be a blast with the gang.hope i dun die of laughter.haha
4:36 PM;
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Holidays have been really slack this week.i havent done much which can be considered useful.msn,tv,computer,lek-lek.thats been pretty much it.ouh,went to kota tinggi(forgot spelling)for a day jus to enjoy the waterfall with the family.It was a pretty fun time and the water was super cold.went for some shopping after that and got home feling damn tired.
Cant seem to find a job so i probably wont bother anymore.might as well enjoy the next 2 weeks of hols.mum gave me some cash for doing housework.haha.pretty cool.
Went to play soccer with a bunch of ppl from bgss on friday.was damn fun but oso damn hot.they even brought a guitar of about 12 of us.played and joke around like crazy.even made friends with 2 caucasian kids.they became the ball pickers for the day.
class 4/3 is having a bbq on the 16th.same day as my bro birthday party so hopefully can go to the bbq after the party if the guys are still there.
suddenly feel like having $2 chicken rice from foodcourt 3.haha
10:36 PM;
Sunday, September 03, 2006
its been great these past few days.
Thursday, it was teachers' day so went back to bgss to visit all the teachers.or actually more like meet up with friends i havent seen in quite awhile. watched a short concert which was that good. prefer the concert last year. anyway, saw a few teachers but didnt talk much.more of just hellos then anything else. Also siad hi to a number of juniors i havent seen for a long time.most sec 4 this year peeps. Took a few photos and then headed for lunch.there were about 15 of us so we more or less conqured the place. then amzingly, almost all of us went to funland to play a couple of hours of was damn crazy and noisy.damn fun stuff.decided to watch some movie at princess for the fun of was a complete waste of cash.watched some show called "frostbite".dont want to go into detail coz i didnt really understand the show anyways.then,aidil,kairen,farid,rahim and i went to relek near bedok.under some block.had a guitar so aidil was singing along to the strumming from kairen.had a really time laughing at that.Friday, had beach party which turned out abit dissapointing.but still fun la with the gang.bert,azli,leslie,ian,yvonne and her cuzin.the music played was really good except after awhile kept repeating.anyhows, we slacked at the beach jus chatting and making a fool of ourselves. also managed to see some people get wasted.was really fun.saw 1 bgss fren who seemed high.his eyes were kinda rolled back and when he wanted to shake my hand,he actually missed the 1st time.hahaha.was damn funny stuff.anyways, it was pretty tiring but still really awsome time!!
During the weekend,went to peace haven again. getting quite used to it.went out after that.been really fun over the week.hols are going by too fast.
still on my mind...
10:56 PM;