Sunday, September 09, 2007
I have been bugged to blog so here i am.but i'll only post pics from tioman.the pics explain themselves:)

10:36 PM;
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Probably not goin to be alot of people reading this as i think most have given up on my blog.just suddenly felt like it coz...I am officially attached:):):)24/7.kinda cool date.i'll do my best to be there for her 24/7 as u babe:)
10:17 PM;
Friday, June 22, 2007
As promised..some nice pics that were taken:)
1st pic of the day
babe claims to have great camera skills
I tried...
i like the colour effect
this 1 too.nice pic!!:)
11:14 PM;
I'm out for the rapture!all we need is ky to start playing piano in church,scott to give up on dota and gideon to stop wearing a jacket when he's sweating...
anyway,there really is alot that have happen in the past million days since i last blogged.but i'll do u the great pleasure of not telling what happened at all except for the highlight of this week which was.....shan ming de shen ri!!
well lets start with tuesday since it was kind of a celebration.aunty weelin took us(scott,scarlett,sidney,ky n myself) out to sentosa. had a pretty awesome time there. dolphin lagoon was abit boring since i didnt get to have a kiss by any of the dolphins. only 3 out of like 400 ppl got the chace of doing that.wad a rip off.anyway, we headed to a hotel to grab a drink.i got the best drink of the house.a fusion that mainly consisted of mango and the best tasting part....ginseng*licks lips*.wad a combo!!even scarlett's banana,glucose and yoghurt drink cudnt compare to my fantastic beverage.
took a bus to the underwater world where we were really enjoying ourselves playing with the stingrays.secret to remember by everyone, only lift the stingray by the center part.lift it by the sides and the stingray will jump out of the water and fly towards your face.scarlett is a witness to this.the ludge was the next activity planned.with scarlett screaming at the top of her lungs(but i have a feeling she could go louder) on the chair lift, i reached the top half deaf. scarlett is the last person u wana take the roller coaster with or maybe even a plane ride.she kept screaming things like "we're gona die" and stuff like that.the ludge was fun though.with scott losing his slipper halfway,he decided to jump off his ludge halfway down and when i passed it looked like he crashed and flew into the bushes.
ate and sakae and went to musical fountain for the show.storyline seemed as interesting as hi-5 but the effects were great.end of a great day right there:)
then finally...20th june had arrived.woke up ard 10am.knew ky and scarlett were coming over but not sure when.anyway when they did, ky forgot his hair was spiked up so his hiding spot was given away and i saw him instantly when i walked outside.they gave me a nice necklace and even brought a cake.i have a really good bunch of frens!!:)cake was really really good.
main event of the day,babe bringing me out.she surprised me by appearing in my house.we let soon after and headed to sentosa.had a nice late lunch.taking quite a few random pics which i will upload another time.went to ride ludge which was fun!!even the chairlift up was fun.maybe because i didnt have someone assuring me i was going to die at any moment sitting beside me.
we then went to grab a taxi and i had to close my eyes coz i wasnt allowed to know where we were going.walked with my eyes closed tell we reached the rstaurant.RIVERBOAT..i think thats the name.anyway its a really really really nice place.had some great food and took some nice pictures.
after that waited some time for a cab and went back home.babe surprised me again by planning with my family to give me a birthday cake or actually cupcakes.was very sweet of her.i'm so blessed.spent some time with her before she had to leave for home.what a great birthday!!cudnt ask for more:)
4:27 PM;
Friday, May 04, 2007
:) :) :)
finally i've awaken from my sleep.
longlonglong nap
or MAYBE i'm just lazy.
oh yar.the first thing i rmb when i woke up blog.yea're rightwhat is going on with shamon.i even spell my name wrongly.maybe it's not even me who post this entry.maybe.i'm just strange.ya.can be.i'm shamon.p.s: i hate joanna.(yvonne typing in shamon's name):)but he does hate jo.wahah.
5:19 PM;
Sunday, April 01, 2007
As usual i havent been updating and babe is lets see...worked like crazy this past week.every weekday.ok maybe thats not realy crazy but just not used to it.managed to go out with yas n ky sometime this week.they met me after work.sorry for being late guys.anyway we went to catch a movie.number 23 i think.was a pretty good thriller.kinda exciting and both a lil scary?not exactly scary but just had some suspense moments.manged to go out with babe too.met her after work at raffles city.went to buy stuff and oso had ice cream at esplanade while watching a number of small kids playing piano really well.makes me half wish i didnt give up on the piano.anyway, had dinner at NewYork2.was pretty good.made us both very full.then went to chill at esplanade again.jus chatting and laughing.nice evening spent.thanks babe:)planning for a poly class chalet soon.hope it turns out well.sure to have a good time there.laughing like crazy.havent seen the guys in a long starting soon.must enjoy the rest of the break.wadever is left of it:)
10:26 PM;
Saturday, March 24, 2007
I miss u:)
11:14 PM;
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
ok an update from the last time i left off.last thur went out with babe. went to grab a quick meal at her fav place and then went to watch music and lyrics with her.had a nice time with her.the show was pretty good.enjoyed it alot.funny yet romantic and also meaningful.haha.good show.sent her home after that coz kinda late.but it was a nice evening spent.friday had work and then prayer meeting.stayed over at church.a total of 4 of us.kinda pathetic but it was quite fun too.slept really late,or technically early, and next day had seminar,crazy!the seminar was actually quite alryte i guess.some bonding with the youth at the same time.we went out for lunch too.that was pretty nice.chatting abt stuff and laughing at rubbish we came up with.this week worked on monday for a short time only.after that had dinner at scott's place.watched a dvd thereafter.also did alot of laughing at the jokes we were making abt the movie.hahaytd didnt work.was off.managed to finally meet up with the 4+1 gang.aisha,yasmin,dil,ky and myself.had a good time.met at tamp.then came back bedok to fetch yas and decided to go dhoby to catch stomp the yard.was a really good show.the dancing super nice.took a walk to buy some stuff for ky and then we sat and chilled at starbucks for a couple of hours i think.was really nice to sit and chat.update each other abt wad was going on in our lives.happy we cud still do that even though like haven seen each other for some time.we accompanied aisha to the mrt then 4 of us took the longgggg bus ride home.14!!wasnt as long as i expected it to be.but ok la.nice day spent with them.
12:28 PM;